Which Type Of Protein Powder For Weight Loss Is Right For You?

By Robert Stanley

Consumers are always looking for supplements to help boost their workouts and aid in quicker results. Many will often turn to protein powder for weight loss as a supplement. The problem with this is that many consumers do not understand the difference between the various types and how they can meet their specific needs. People need to research the type first, brand second, and then make their purchase.

Many consumers purchase a powder without even understanding why a supplement like this is recommended. More complete proteins are received by the body through these powders, giving the body more amino acids. The buildup of these acids creates an easier environment for muscle mass to grow. That muscle will then replace the fat, therefore aiding in your weight loss.

There are are four main types of powder: whey, soy, egg, and casein. Whey is typically considered the best type for beginners starting out on their healthy lifestyle journey. It is typically the cheapest of all five types, making it affordable to almost anyone. It's known for boosting metabolism and immunity, as well as muscle growth. A common compliant is the bloat feeling it can sometimes give.

Soy is a great option for anyone lactose intolerant or vegan. Besides the same metabolism boost that whey gives, soy also contains more benefits that focus on a healthier lifestyle. It contains antioxidants that can be beneficial in preventing certain diseases of the body. Another health benefit is the isoflavones found in soy that helps to lower cholesterol. This is a great option for anyone wanting to lose weight, gain energy, and remain dairy free.

Egg powder seems to be the type that keeps consumers on the fence. The benefits are there in the form of essential minerals, vitamins, and of course protein. It also contains a smaller amount of carbohydrates than other types. Where the skepticism comes from is that almost all of the benefits can be found in regular eggs alone, at a much cheaper price. The consumer must decide if it is worth the price to them.

Casein is a milk based product that shares many similarities with whey. The main difference between the two is the rate at which the powder is digested and absorbed in the body. Casein moves much slower and remains in the body for a longer time period. This is why it is best to be taken before bed, versus with meals as the other types. This type is filled with amino acid glutamine that helps preserve current muscle and immunity.

Not all products that are available for consumers to purchase are considered safe. It's very important that consumers personally research whichever specific brand they have decided to commit to before using. Some products have been linked to dangerous side effects. It's also important to communicate with your doctor to insure that your body can benefit and tolerate whichever type you have chosen.

All of these types of protein powder for weight loss can benefit dieters. They just all do it in a little bit of a different way. With minimal online research, consumers can find which product best suits their needs and will make their journey to a healthier life easier to obtain.

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