Weight Loss Programs -How to Separate Facts From Hype

By Werner Demeyer

Weight loss programs can be found everywhere, and they come in all varieties. There are many ways to lose weight, but they all involve some combination of dieting and exercise.

Weight loss programs often promise you amazing results in a short time -but you should always ask for actual proof. If the book or program has existed for any length of time, there will certainly be reviews and testimonials about it.

If there's scientific evidence backing a certain program, it is better for you. You may also consider testimonials online or on book covers, but you should make sure these look legitimate. Customer reviews are another type of evidence that should be looked at, but with a sceptical eye. If a certain program is new and unproven, and the creator doesn't offer any evidence to support his claims, you should think twice before ordering it. It's good to know that at least some people have really lost weight using the system you're considering.

Limiting your portions, however, is still easier than never being able to eat certain foods again. Some diets or nutritional books tell you to cut out certain foods and never eat them again. This is not easy advice to follow, as it probably means giving up some of your favourite foods. Diets that say you can eat a little bit of almost anything at least give you a little breathing room. The problem with strict diets is that if you cheat on them at all, you then tend to feel like you've failed and give up on them completely.

While it may be hard to restrict your portions, it's even harder to have to cross certain foods off your list permanently. Certain diets will ban foods, whether it's sugar, meat or dairy and tell you to avoid them completely. The problem is it's usually the tastiest and tempting foods that we are told to stay away from. The good thing about the more flexible type of diet is that it allows for a certain amount of "cheating." The problem with strict diets is that if you cheat on them at all, you then tend to feel like you've failed and give up on them completely.

Some weight loss programs are quite expensive, while others cost almost nothing. Although in theory you should be able to save money by eating less food, it doesn't always work out that way. It is a fact that healthier foods cost more than junk foods. There are also diet plans where you have to purchase meal packets. There are ways to lose weight for free, of course, but then you have to be self motivated and resourceful. You don't have to spend a lot of money to lose weight, but you should be clear about what costs are involved in any program you're thinking about participating in.

There are quite a few points to consider when looking at weight loss programs, and the above are only a few of the more important ones. Don't choose a diet based solely on the hype or advertising surrounding it.

Your own experience can be used to gauge what type of approach is right for you. The trick is to learn from the past but not feel that you are defined by it -you can lose more weight now than you did before!

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