Exercise While You Work

By Dave Lee

People who spend most of their time working in front of a computer or piles of paperwork develop a sedentary way of life because of their lack of movement. If they don't exercise outside of work then this will result in weight gain and problems in their health.

There may be other careers that require a good amount of physical activity, but quitting a job for this reason is not a good idea, instead, you should learn to find a way to develop and improve your fitness right inside your workplace.

Replace Your Chair for a Ball

First step in making your workplace more exercise friendly is by getting rid of your desk chair and replace it with an exercise ball. The exercise ball has recently been approved to be an acceptable piece of office furniture that can replace your regular rolling chair into a fun, bouncy ball.

Proper and frequent use of an exercise can result in an increase in strength in your muscles in the abdominal area and also other muscles in your thigh area. Learning to balance your body while sitting on the exercise ball is the key to focusing on your core muscles and burn those unwanted fats.

Walk to Burn

Starting your day right with some kind of physical activity such as walking can perk up your energy as well as burn a few calories. Finding a way to do more walking; on your way to work, during business hours while you're going up and down the stairs trying to deliver documents, and or after work while you're walking downstairs and to the parking lot. Incorporating more cardio into your workday can really help improve your fitness as well as your mind.

Move Around & Stretch

Sitting all day can put a lot of strain on your muscles and inhibit proper blood circulation. Every now and then you should get up and stretch your legs, arms and back muscles to improve circulation and coordination. Take a walk to the photocopy room and while waiting try doing a few arm and leg stretches and hold that extended position for a few counts and repeat. Doing a few stretching exercises every now and then can make you feel relaxed and relieved.

Squeeze and Contract

Being constricted to an office chair does not mean you cannot perform any abdominal or buttock muscle contracting exercises. This exercise is done by sitting straight in your chair and then squeezing in your muscles for a couple of seconds and then exhale while you release and let your muscles relax. Contracting your muscles is a low interval exercise but constant application of this method can present positive results in the long run.

For the purpose of attaining a healthy lifestyle, exercise and a nutritious diet should become a habit that needs to be practiced in your everyday life. Even if you're one of those people who usually spend hours on hours in front of the computer, you need to find and make time. It takes effort and your willingness to make these changes in your work environment in order to attain a healthy physical being.

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