Nutrients And Calories In An Apple

By Darnell Visini

There are about 80 calories in an apple on average. This amount is of course is dependent on how big or small it is. Apples come in different varieties and are consumed in many ways. Depending on the type and how it is consumed, the calorific amounts will vary. For example, apples can be consumed with or without the skin. They can also be consumed raw, as a juice or applesauce. Sometimes they are also dried into apple chips or baked to make apple pies.

Apples come in several types and each has its own characteristics. Red Delicious contains 90 metric units and is red in color while Gala contains 74 calories, with a red-orange skin. Golden Delicious contains 82 metric units and is yellow-green while Granny Smith contains 80 calories with green skin. McIntosh, on the other hand, contains 80 units and is green.

Apples are known to help reduce problems with the digestive system for people who consume them regularly. Since they have a high presence of fiber, constipation is prevented altogether. This means that that digestion takes place without any complications.

Apples ensure that the body gets the required levels of necessary vitamins and minerals. Consumed on a daily basis, they will assist greatly to keep the body in a healthy condition on both the short and the long term. The list of nutrients found in apples is long and the benefits are several, including protection of the body from cancer-causing elements, improved metabolism, among others.

Research has also indicated that apples can substitute coffee in keeping awake and alert; an amazing idea to consider! Apples replacing coffee in the morning, with the same effects but better results! It has also been reported that their juice is actually better than consuming apples whole. Research has shown that this juice contains components that prevent viral infections in the body.

Apples also contain Potassium, which is useful in controlling the heart rate and blood pressure. This is possible since Potassium is part of body fluids as well as cells. Apples are also a good source of Phosphorus and Calcium.

The best way in which apples can be stored is in plastic bags that are perforated and kept in the fruit crisper of a refrigerator. A little bit of humidity is good in the storage medium as this keeps the skin fresh. Just the same way that the calories in an apple are known to differ, some types of apples are known to last longer in storage than others. These include the granny Smith and Fuji apples. Apples for storage need to be fully ripened and should be kept in a temperature that is above freezing. Storing them in very low or high temperatures will reduce the nutrient value and also compromise on quality.

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