The No Fuss Way To Lose Weight

By Howe Russ

It's a problem which has been baffling men and women for decades, how to lose weight and keep it off long term. Today we're going to teach you the rules which so many dieters and gym users miss and you'll be achieving your fat loss goals in no time.

We've all heard the stories before. We've all had a friend or family member trying to tell you that they simply cannot lose any size no matter what they eat or how hard they train. Well, they may not like to hear this, but the fact is unless you have a medical issue it's simply not true. Most of us are overlooking the basic proven facts of a solid diet. These tips will not cost you a thing.

If you're frustrated at a lack of results, your day is about to get a whole lot better.

The path to great results doesn't start in the gym. It doesn't even start in the kitchen. It starts with a piece of paper and a calculator, believe it or not! The first thing you need to do is to establish your daily calorie target. We don't want you to become one of those celeb diet addicted, yo-yo dieters who goes from quick fix plan to quick fix plan time and time again, piling the weight straight back on each time.

All you need to do is figure out your goal weight in pounds and multiply it by twelve. That's it, you're done. This ball park figure is there to give you an idea how many calories per day to eat.

Getting the optimal split between your protein, carbs and fats is the most important factor in a solid eating plan. The number of calories you eat per day takes a back seat to this factor. For example, a person eating 2500 calories per day from healthy sources is going to get better results than someone eating 2500 calories from unhealthy sources, right? Naturally! So the number of calories you eat is not the 'be all and end all' of everything.

One of the best ways to achieve this is to use the 4-4-2 system. That means 40% of your calories come from protein, 40% come from carbohydrates and 20% come from fats. So this is how to work that out:

With your protein intake you need to establish 40% of your calorie target and then divide the answer by 4. That's how many grams of protein to eat every day.

For carbs do the exact same sum.

For fats you should take your daily calorie target and figure out 20% of that. Divide your answer by 9 and you have your daily fat goal.

If you are able to hit your daily target of the three main macronutrients you will notice that you stop counting you calories altogether. That's because your macronutrients are far more important. This is why, as a fitness instructor, I can't help but frown when I see ladies reading the calorie count on every little piece of food they eat throughout the day.

Now you have the facts for a better diet all laid out in front of you, you should be starting to feel different about your goal. All of a sudden it's not a dream anymore. If you stick to your targets you will achieve it and make it a reality, it's as simple as that!

So there you have it! It wasn't as hard as you were thinking, right? You've just set up your own optimal eating plan with a personal trainer and you did it in no time at all. The vast majority of people using your local gym don't do this and that's why they toil away endlessly without results. From now on you're in an excellent position and you can move forward from here with confidence!

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