- Don't completely eliminate the foods you enjoy the most. Just cut back on them! Simply halving the amount of cakes, biscuits, or pastries you enjoy can make big difference to your weight loss. If you don't feel deprived, you are less likely to 'fall off the wagon'!
- Try smaller portions for your meals. Use smaller plates when preparing meals at home. If you are eating out, choose two starters, rather than a starter and a main meal. If you can't bear to do with out desert, share one with your companion.
- Drink a large glass of filtered water before your meals. This will not only give you a fuller feeling before you eat, the water will help to flush the waste products and toxins from your body. Sometimes we mistake being thirsty, or dehydrated for hunger, so keep your fluids up.
- Small changes can become habit; begin a meal with a small salad to take the edge off your hunger.
- Avoid eating your meals in front of the TV or the computer, as you are likely to over eat without thinking about it.
- Always eat breakfast. This will jumpstart your metabolism, keep your energy up and will help you resist the temptation for that quick sweet snack in the middle of the morning.
- Try to eat your main meal for lunch. Keep your evening meal a smaller quantity and try to avoid going to bed shortly after eating. This will give your digestive system time to absorb the nutrition from your food while you are active.
- Take time to chew your food, and savour each mouthful. It can take up to 20 min after begin to eat for your body to signal that you are full. If you can take a long time over a meal, you will avoid eating more than you want, or need.
- Combine lots of colourful vegetables on your plate. The saying "you first eat with your eyes" can be powerful. The green vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and kale, to mention a few, are packed with vitamins A, C, E and K. As well as being great for fiber. The orange vegetables including carrots and pumpkin are high in beta-carotene.
- Enjoy the fresh fruit, but be aware that most fruit has high sugar content. Your diet ratio should be two thirds vegetable and one-third fruit.
- Having said that, one cannot deny the fibre, antioxidants and vitamins that fruit provides. Keep this in mind when you are tempted by a sweet treat, choose a piece of fruit.
- Healthy carbohydrates will help you feel full for longer. Choose whole grains, beans and pulses that will help stabilise your blood sugar and insulin levels.
- Where possible, avoid white flour and white rice. These foods no longer retain the nutrients or fibre, and can cause spikes in blood sugar levels because they are digested too quickly.
- Be sure you are getting whole grains and be aware that some labelling can be deceptive. Descriptions such as stoneground or multigrain do not mean you are getting whole grains. Look for labels that say 100% whole-wheat or 100% wholegrain.
- Experiment with different grains including millet, barley, spelt, quinoa and brown rice. You will be rewarded with a more interesting diet.
Visit Metabolic Cooking Report for more hints and tips to speed your metabolism to lose weight fast.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karen_Armitage
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